Monday, April 9, 2012

Optimism, Henry Ford and Wilson

Remember the wonder ball? A sphere of milk chocolate that contains something unknown, but wonderful?
Life is a wonder ball, so don't ruin it. Don't you dare ruin it.
The best way to ruin a wonder ball is with your own expectations.
The truth is, none of us know the future. As much as we try, we can't guarantee that sickness, pain, and trials won't come upon us. We can't promise that we will be the best, most successful, or healthiest of people. We can't even guarantee how much time we will have. But we can, if we work hard at it, be ready to welcome whatever comes.
I don't know the future, but if he is like most guests I know, he will have no problem eating my food, watching my t.v., and leaving my house a mess. The only good news is that he really has no choice but to show up on time. The other good news is that I don't have a house, food, or a t.v. But I think I will do my best to greet the future anyway. He may not like my style or lack of desserts, but I think he will find me happy, friendly, and alert. You see, as little as you know about the future, he may know even less about you. He has so much to think about and so much to do, because tomorrow is coming and he must come too.
So, just love the future, be his best friend, see him as a wonderful item, a truly priceless gem. When he first comes to your door, he may seem unpolished. Just love him gently, and your fears will be demolished. You see the future is nervous, he doesn't know you. He wants to be happy, and he hopes you do to. So give him a break, he's been working all day. If his appearance is scruffy, don't send him away. Just care for and love him and give him a bath. Feed him your garden, and slaughter the calf. The future is coming and there's nothing to do, that can change that fact for either me or for you. Optimism isn't stupid, it's not always sublime, it's only an ability to see past the grime.
Just a shout out for optimism.

-"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't-- you're right." - Henry Ford
-"Optimism is produced by the candy store of the subconscious- it's delicious, but dangerous." - Wilson 

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