Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Conversation with Ash

Ash: What are some of the goals you have for us as a couple?
Me: Um... I don't know. Just like be people.
Me: Would it surprise you if I was an alien?
Ash: No (She was completely serious at this point). Well, it's just you said we should sit down and discuss our goals together.
Me: Oh! When did I say that?
Ash: a Couple weeks ago.
(Another pause)
Me: Hmm, that does sound like a good idea.

I don't know why this was so funny to me. Ashley seriously wouldn't be surprised if I was an alien, but it's okay, she said she will would still love me. I found myself to be thoughtful when I found out that I was the one that thought we should sit down and discuss goals.

KYle Lunlltj